Saturday, 6 April 2013

Felsham in 1911

I have just started work analysing the Felsham Census Returns for 1911. Below is just a taster of the sort of analyses that we can carry out on this census in readiness for work on Felsham 1914-18


1911 (351 living or staying in Felsham on night of census)

93% of villagers in 1911 were born in Suffolk. 7% were born outside the county.

Of those, 43% were born in Felsham.

61% of villagers were born in Felsham or one of the neighbouring villages of Brettenham, Bradfield St George, Cockfield, Gedding, Rattlesden, and Thorpe Morieux.

The map shows the birthplaces in Suffolk of those not born in Felsham itself: